Müslüman'ı Zorla Hiristiyan Yaptılar

Amerika’da 2004 yılında Müslüman olan bayan basketbolcu, başörtüsüne izin verilmediği için hem basketbolu hem de okulunu bıraktı. Artan baskılar sonucu korkan kız, islamı da terk etti...

Amerika’da 2004 yılında Müslüman olan bayan basketbolcu, başörtüsüne izin verilmediği için hem basketbolu hem de okulunu bıraktı. Artan baskılar sonucu korkan kız, islamı da terk etti...

Başörtü yasağı dinden çıkardı
Andrea Armstrong Amerika’da Güney Florida’da üniversite öğrencisiydi.
NCAA’ye bağlı üniversite basketbol takımında başarı ile oynayan genç kız, 2004 yılında islamı seçti.

Müslüman olduktan sonra hayatı birden değişmeye başladı.
İslam dininin gereği olarak başını kapatan Armstrong, takımının antrenmanlarına ve maçlarına uzun kollu kıyafet ve başörtüsü ile katılmak istedi. Bunun daha önce yaşanmış bir örneği de vardı. Yahudi bir basketbolcunun maçlara Yahudilere özgü takke ile maçlara çıkmasına izin verilmişti.

Fakat üniversite yönetimi Müslüman basketbolcuya aynı izni vermedi, NCAA yönetimi de karşı çıktı.
Bunun üzerine genç kız, basketbolu bırakma kararı aldı. Hemen arkasından üniversite bursu kesildi, okuldaki dolabı boşaltıldı ve üniversite eğitimini de yarıda bırakmaya zorlandı.

Müslüman olduktan sonra başörtüsü yasağı nedeni ile basketbolu bırakan ve okulundan ayrılmak zorunda kalan Armstrong bunalıma girdi. Ailesinden uzakta başka bir okula kayıt oldu o arada Müslüman bir ailenin yanına yerleşti.

Fakat günler zor geçiyordu. Genç kıza her gün tehdit mektupları gelmeye başladı.
Yolda giderken önünü kesip, onu tehdit edenler bile oldu.

Bir süre Müslüman olarak yaşamaya başladıktan sonra hayatı alt üst olan Armstrong, sorunlarla başa çıkamadı ve tekrar hristiyanlığa döndü.

Armstrong, bir mektup yazarak, “kendi isteğimle, yaşadığım sorunlar ve ailemden uzak kalmam neticesinde yeniden dinimi değiştirdim” dedi ve mektubunu “Allah beni affetsin” diye noktaladı.

Andrea Armstrong said she is leaving due to increased attention, but a Muslim rights leader says it was out of fear.
TAMPA - Andrea Armstrong, the USF women's basketball player who was seeking NCAA approval to wear religious clothing during practice and games, quit the team Wednesday, saying she did not want her Muslim religion to become a distraction for her team.

But the leader of a local Muslim rights group said the 22-year-old was frightened by hate e-mails and negative reactions she's encountered since a St. Petersburg Times article detailed her story Saturday.

"The controversy with USF and the NCAA was peanuts compared to the backlash that has erupted," said Ahmed Bedier of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who spoke with Armstrong on Wednesday night. "The bigger fight is against public opinion and the bigotry and ignorance we have in our society."

Armstrong could not be reached for comment.

The 6-foot-3 senior quit the team two weeks ago but rejoined Friday, after Bedier's group sent the university a letter protesting "a case of apparent religious discrimination."

This time, Armstrong said she's left the team for good, though she will remain on scholarship this season.

"Knowing the potential of my team and how hard coach (Jose) Fernandez and the rest of the coaching staff is working with the team, I don't want this issue to cause further distraction," Armstrong wrote in a letter to Fernandez and released by USF. "I am concerned that this is dividing my team, school and community. Because of this concern, I believe it best to withdraw from the team."

Armstrong recently converted to Islam and sought to wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts and a Muslim head scarf with her uniform in games, allowing her to comply with Islamic codes that require a woman's skin to be covered.

An NCAA official said Wednesday there would be no obvious problems with such a uniform waiver request, that no such appeal had ever been denied by the NCAA.

Armstrong told the Times last week that Fernandez had told her the clothing would make teammates uncomfortable and that Islam oppresses women. She also said he called her parents in Oregon and warned them that she had joined a cult. In announcing her decision Wednesday, USF offered a letter written from Fernandez to Armstrong, reiterating that both of her decisions to quit the team were completely voluntary and that she was under no pressure to do so.

"The Department of Athletics is committed to a comfortable and inclusive environment for our student athletes, and we want to be sure that no one pressured you to quit the team," Fernandez wrote. " ... I believ e that you clearly understood that USF will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or retaliation."

Those, however, are exactly what Armstrong has encountered since Saturday, Bedier said. She endured people saying things to her on campus, heard negative responses on talk radio and received vulgar e-mails that bashed her and her religion. The Times has received similar e-mails and phone messages since the story was published.

"She's away from her family, here by herself. ... It really scared her," said Bedier, who said his group supports her decision to quit the team. "I think she was overwhelmed with the amount of attention she was receiving. She didn't want to be the center of negative feelings. She felt frightened, and decided this for her safety, No.


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